June 2024 | Keith and Karen

Day One
We were met by our niece Abby as we entered the property. A cute welcome sign greeted us. The quiet surroundings and the singing birds spoke to me. It takes time to relax and enjoy the peace that nature brings. We ended our day around the campfire with a blanket and a warm drink. Lovely day!
Day Two
Leisurely woke up even though the sun rises earlier up here! Walked to the overlook hearing birds, insects, and the wind through the trees. The wind was like a washing machine cleaning out the sounds of busyness. We continued to walk to the top of a hill where a panorama unfolded. The Palouse with shades and variations of green was spectacular. The horizontal lines of the hills seemed to move. What a sight!
Day Three
Quiet breakfast, moving slower than when we arrived. Thank you for the experience.
Keith & Karen, California

June 2024 | Julie

Day One
Spent the morning in the outside swing bed. Heard the songs of many birds. Two bunny rabbits hopped through camp. One was curious and came up close for a look. Saw, still seeing, chipmunks. This morning a weasel, handsome juvenile, dark brown with a tan underside; looked for some food under the kitchen sink. A tiny bird family, maybe a house wren, has set up house in the tent cabin, left corner as you look out the bedside open-air window. I call him Tiny Defender (TD). He’s the one I see, going out and bringing back food for the female who is sitting on eggs in the nest. I can’t easily see the nest or his female mate. TD hopped around the rafters checking me out this morning as I woke and started moving. He cried some threats, nothing new. It has become an on-going conversation. When he gets back to the nest with his prize, the two of them chatter and chatter. When he is out in the trees, he sings his song, letting his mate know he is still here. His constant mission is to feed her. I watch this. Big wind came up, gusty. Watched a bird stall as it tried to fly forward against the wind. No mosquitos!!!! No emails!!!!
Day Two
I was surprised by the launch of the baby birds from the rafters of the tent cabin. Three fledglings tentatively perched on the bench railings. The strongest left within minutes. The last is still in the tent cabin. It is the weakest and has not gotten its wings yet. Turns out TD is a mighty mom! It is she who has been feeding babies! Mom is now looking for the straggler baby. I went to the outside swing bed to get out of her way. I watched from afar for some time. The baby needed to get its sea legs before it could even hop around. Now, it’s working on flight. I just saw it hop out of the tent cabin toward the bushes behind the kitchen area. That’s where its mom flew to. I think it’s working out. Those birds are tiny! Tiny Brave (TB). Was there a fourth baby? There was one stuck behind the pie-safe in the kitchen. It tried to hop up to the narrow opening but failed many times. Mom came by and tried to coax it out to no avail. I pulled up the skirts of the cabinet and found an opening. It was blocked. The flashlight showed the bird the edge, but I fumbled my attempt to capture it with my hand and lift it out, so I removed the obstacle, and the baby bird walked out. It moved around the tent cabin for quite a while, calling out, looking for guidance. Finally, it hoped outside and up into the shrubs. It still can’t fly well. I can hear it right where it landed, chirping, waiting. I know where it is but can’t see it. I’ll watch for a while; want to see mom come back and find it. It won’t be able to eat without her help, and is vulnerable to prey, namely weasels. Saw my first ever snake in about 40 years. Small, don’t know what kind but there aren’t any poisonous snakes here I’m told. While I was watching for mom, Tiny Brave did it!!! She lifted herself up and up, into a large tree nearby. I saw him through my binoculars. Good day!!
Day Three
Leaving camp later this morning for the Moscow Farmers’ Market. I’ll miss it (camp). Decided not to go. It’s my last full day. Laying in bed at 5 am, watching the birds in the trees outside the grand open view. Two birds, looked like juvenile wrens flew from the kitchen side into the tent. One flew over me, the second one landed for a second on my arm and then met the other one on the bench railing, where they circled in a game before flying off. Shortly after that, a hummingbird also flew through the tent cabin and over me. Then it turned around and hovered where I was sitting, getting a good look at me. The best, though, was having my coffee on the outside swing bed. Behind me, I heard the familiar chirping of the house wren, very close by. I turned my head to see a baby house wren sitting on the craggy tree limb behind me. When I turned, the wren hopped out to the furthest tip of the nearby branch to get a closer look at me. It sat there looking right at me and did not startle when I said hello. It chirped for a bit, as if talking to me before flying off. Given its size and location, it could be Tiny Brave. Here, in this special place, I find myself in the moment.
Julie, Boise, Idaho

June 2024 | Linda & Steve

What can we say except thank you for this very special place. Our hearts are full of joy. Everything was so beautiful, moment by moment!! We will continue to follow you and your adventures. P.S. Great birding. Loved it!!!!
Blessing always,
Linda & Steve, Virginia

June 2024 | Mallory

I came here with my mom Sherryl from Eugene, Oregon and I couldn’t be more satisfied with our time here. Although it was a bit chilly, we stayed nice and warm. The sunny hammock and cute rope swing were my favorite places to sit. I brought a comfort book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and just got lost in it. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this relaxed and peaceful. I’m starting a new job at the end of this month, and this was the perfect reset mentally and physically. I feel like I had time to take a break from reality and soak up the sun and birdsong to my heart’s content before having to start at my new job. Sharing this experience with my mom is something I will cherish forever. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this trip so special and one of a kind. Jenny who greeted us and showed us around and Abigail who gave us a lovely tour of the farm and a behind-the-scenes tour of the farm’s food facility where they make and ship organic backpacking food. MaryJane has devoted her life to creating such a magical place. I can’t wait to tell all my friends about this incredible experience. P.S. Seeing bunnies, owls, and a little frog added the most magnificent touch, and I can’t wait to see them again in my dreams about this place!
Mallory, Eugene, Oregon

July 2024 | Susan & Lacey

Five perfect days and four restful nights in your guesthouse, and we are so thankful. We could not have asked for a sweeter respite from the rush of the outside world. Last night, we struck a match to a campfire and watched four stars fall from the sky. Dry sheet lightning flashed on the horizon, illuminating the darkness of the pines to the east. My mother took a hot bath under the stars, and we listened to the wind. What a remarkable place you’ve created.

Let July be July …
And let yourself just be even in
the uncertainty.
You don’t have to fix everything.
You don’t have to solve everything.
And you can still find peace
and grow in the wild
of changing things. -Morgan Harpe Nichols

Thank you for this remarkable place.
Susan & Lacey, Boise, Idaho

July 2024 | Ron & Deborah Higgins

Greatly appreciated the grounds and the accommodations. It is apparent there has been much attention given to detail. A good place to slow down and see things you don’t usually notice in God’s creation. The memorable floral arrangements inside and outside the guesthouse were so touching and beautiful. A wonderful plus!
Ron & Deborah, Richland, Washington

September 2024 | Cliff & Leigh

Enjoyed meeting you and staying at your sweet space. Like to visit more and learn about the local grasses … figured you are in the know. Thanks for the wonderful experience!
Cliff & Leigh, North Carolina

September 2024 | Tania

I’ve known of you for years, since 2000, I think! First as backpacking deliciousness and then onward through the years. Your work has helped keep me grounded. It kept my hands busy, my choices conscious, and my lifestyle simplified no matter where I found myself. So lovely to enjoy your space. I am re-inspired by the artistic surroundings of Mother Earth’s beauties in your eye-catching bouquets! This was a pilgrimage of sorts. I made it through a career, family births and deaths. Now, it was time to take care of me. Touching base with MaryJanesFarm is like getting back to my roots, resetting. I’m reluctantly leaving this peaceful place to create my own. Thanks for the inspiration, gifts from your store and the beautiful setting with all the loving details. Hopefully, there is room in my luggage to tuck some flowers! If you are ever in Vermont, please give me a call. I have extra space.
With love, Tania