Is the world ready to rethink bread making? I certainly think so. My book, Wild Bread, completely reinvents the concept of healthier-for-you, naturally fermented sourdough. Until now, sourdough meant too much work and sour-tasting, artisan-style-only loaves. My revolutionary fermentation technique demonstrates the use of eight different types of flours for each bread featured—everything from gluten-free brown-rice flour to quinoa to common white to heirloom whole wheat—for a whopping 295 recipes and 475 photographs. Using my method, every style of bread imaginable, including gluten free, will loft with wild abandon without the purchase of a single packet of not-so-healthy, store-bought yeast. In nutritionally superior wild-yeast bread, fermentation triggers the release of vital nutrients and breaks down carbohydrates. In my world, there’s no such thing as too much bread because once you convert to slow-rise wild-bread making, that bagel you’ve been thinking about is more like a vitamin pill than a source of “carb-loaded” guilt.