The Keeping in Touch section of our magazine is orchestrated by MaryJane's daughter, Meg, and is not for
profit, but is an outlet for creativity for non-professional writers. Writing style isn't as important as
honesty and sharing from your heart. Word count for your submission can vary from a short poem to a 600-word
Unfortunately, we can't use all the submissions we receive. Meg will choose two or three for each topic for
future publication in our magazine. We might edit or shorten your submissions, but we'll contact you prior
to use and give you the opportunity to approve our editorial changes prior to publication. Please include
your full name and the state where you live and a brief, 35-word biography. Attach your submission (no more
than 600 words) as a .doc or .docx (Word document). All submissions become the property of MaryJanesFarm
Publishing Group LLC, and cannot be returned to the sender.